Sub PIN Polio Tetes di Kecamatan Sukoharjo Telah Terlaksana, Yuk Simak Siapa Aja yang Hadir di Acara Tersebut!
Sub PIN Polio Tetes di wilayah Kecamaatan Sukoharjo telah terlaksana pada Senin, 15 Januari 2024. Sub PIN atau Sub Pekan Imunisasi Nasional yang diadakan serentak oleh Kementerian Kesehatan di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, serta Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. Sub PIN ini wajib diikuti oleh anak usia 7 tahun kebawah. Pada Senin, 15 Januari 2024 aula […]
Yuk Intip Keseruan Pra KBM di SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo, Mana Kegiatan Favoritmu?
Libur siswa SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo telah usai. Siswa SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo mulai kembali aktif mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah pada dua Januari kemarin. Siswa SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo tidak langsung mengikuti KBM melainkan mengikuti Pra KBM selama minggu pertama masuk. Pada hari Selasa kemarin, siswa antusias mengikuti kegiatan ceremonial dari sekolah dan public […]
Seperti Apa sih PSAS di SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo? Yuk Intip Keseriusan Mereka!
SDII Al Abbidin Sukoharjo tengah melaksanakan Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester atau biasa disebut PSAS semester 1. PSAS SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo akan berlangsung selama 10 hari, dimana satu hari siswa level satu dan level dua hanya mengerjakan satu matta pelajaran. PSAS SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo dimulai pada hari Senin, 20 November 2023. Dari mulai PAI […]
Yuk Intip Keseruan SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo Goes To Tawangmangu!
Rabu, 15 November 2023 SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo outing class ke Tawangmangu. Diikuti seluruh warga SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo level satu dan level dua beserta guru-guru SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo. Tujuan utama outing class kali ini adalah Hortus dan kebun stroberi Assalam. Sebelum perjalanan SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo road to Tawangmangu dimulai, setiap kelas melakukan […]
As a Teacher, Learning Is a Must, These Things Are the Way of How SDII Al Abidin’s Teachers Study
Being a teacher is an example,It’s not just giving examples!!! It’s not just students who memorize, but SDII teacher Al Abidin Sukoharjo also memorizes Quran Not only students collect alms at dawn,Before the students do, teachers also collect alms at dawn It’s not only students who are advised to do fasting on Monday and Thursday, […]
Happy Naional Batik Day! SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo Wearing Batik, How About You?
Hey, the best generation… AlhamdulillahThis Monday is so special. 🤩🤩We wear batik to commemorate National Batik Day. From Abu Bakar class, Umar class, Ustman class, Bilal class, till Hamzah class wear batik. Which is your favorite batik motif? And we’re fasting sunnah on Alhamdulillah, MasyaAllah🥰🥰 If you want to know our activities, stay tune […]
KITE#5 Has Done at SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo, Lets Check It Out!
Alhamdulillah Saturday, September 22th 2023 SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo held a KITE Competition (Kids Talent Festival) for kindergarten children. There were 286 participants from Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Klaten, and Wonogiri. They came to SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo to join this competition. There are four categories that SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo provided as soon as memorizing Qur’an, […]
SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo Has Done the First Midterm Test
Alhamdulillah…. Today was the first midterm exam. There is something unique that happened in ICT class. The student used their own computer🤩 Masha Allah SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo is really a school that answers the challenges nowadays. Keep learning and promote good manners during exams.✊🏻😍 Allah yuftah ‘alaikum kids. Do your best let Allah do […]
A student of SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo wins the swimming competition again, who is he?
A student of SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo named Dean Sakha Pradipta or well-known as Dean won the swimming competition. Dean got the 3rd place and received a Bronze Medal in Men’s 25M KU 6 Freefoot Swimming, Adventurer Fun Swimming II. The competition was held on Saturday and Sunday, 2-3 September 2023. This is not the […]
Student from SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo won Festival Kids Olympiad Competition, Who is she?
SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo student, Raisya Azkadina Putri got the 2nd runner-up in Mathematics. This competition was a Kids Olympiad Competition that was held at Luwes Delanggu. Raisya took part in this competition on September 3 2023. Just like Arshaka, Raisya sits in the Abu Bakar SDII Al Abidin Sukoharjo class. Congratulation Raisya! Hopefully the […]